Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Significant attributes.
We all enjoy some modicum of serenity thanks to our communities Wild and Scenic Green Verdugo Mountains. Along with the Angeles National Forest, (and there the Wilderness covering the Beautiful San Gabriel Mtns.) Nature surrounds us, and taken with the Scenic Big Tujunga Wash create the boundaries and the ambiance that define our town, Sunland Tujunga California, here in, yet a world away from City of Los Angeles.
The Green Verdugo Hills, for all of us, it will be a shame to see the buildout of sprawl creep up and over them, a psychological blow. For Nature itself, our wild neighbors, it will be fatal. I say Natives should stay. Wild creatures are our favorite neighbors! Development could take them into account. This would be cheap to free. I don't believe we need to remove and replace the wild native critters! Why purchase landscape sod plants or oak trees from thousand oaks, (and why buy pet canines and felines and avians and well u get it for that matter), surrogate plants and animal companions, grass yards & ficus? Let's get with Nature, get our seed nearby and appreciate the ways that Nature knows. Without using local seed and plants, we miss out on the awesome genetics with which our locally evolved native plant populations are endowed, we are gardening at a loss. The only right way is keeping and spreading local wild native plants (together with all the companions inherent / alive here wild, known as "habitat associations" and I whom call native "plant" communities), in development and the urban/wildland interface Local Native gardening and landscaping should be practiced and promoted, for sure in our town and hopefully beyond.
In "Scenic" areas we need to recognize the existence of the Natural "Wild" communities that live there, and that they have significant value to people living here in Sunland Tujunga, our community plan should reflect that.
Wild Native communities, as genetic repositories (and seed supply), for use in Sunland Tujunga as landscaping and for gardening, Local Native plants in these Hills are an Agriculturally significant resource.
To the benefit of our air and water quality, resident "Wild Natural Communities" contribute significantly.
To our physical and mental wellness for Scenic beauty and recreationaly, our local nature is profound.
Nature is whom this community needs, not what.
Local Naturalist and Native Plant Photographer, Ricky Grubb.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Rooftop residential owned solar electric systems
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Station Fire volunteers
Thursday, September 10, 2009
After Firestorm
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Puma track photo taken in Big Tujunga Wash community of Sunland City of Los Angeles Ca. near residences encroaching into Tujunga wash wildlife migration corridor. Big Tujunga Wash is home to many resident endangered and threatened species as well such as the Arroyo Toad, the Slender Horned Spineflower, Arroyo Chub etcetera. The Big Tujunga River in our community was proposed, and designated as critical Habitat for the recovery of the Arroyo Toad, only to be stripped of the designation by a political hack appointee of the Bush//Cheney administration. This is currently undergoing review by the US FWS in response to a lawsuit filed by the center for biological diversity, who deserve our sincere thanks for standing up for nature on many fronts.
Thanks CBD! Ricky Grubb, .